Hancock Library Annual Book Sale – Friday and Saturday

The Friends of the Portage Lake District Library will be hosting a two-day Used Book Sale at the Hancock School Public Library. The sale will be held Friday Aug. 4 from 2-6 p.m. and Saturday Aug. 5 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Hancock High School at 501 Campus Drive in Hancock. You can enter through the Library door and the sale will be held in the school atrium hallway.

The sale will be by donation, meaning you can pay what you want or can for the items you select. All proceeds will benefit the Hancock School Public Library, and will be used toward the purchase of a computer and/or tablet station for the new Young Children’s Room in the Library.

-Quoted from the Copper Beacon

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Portage Lake District Library - Houghton, Michigan