Legal Help Drop-in Hours Draft (800 x 200 px) (1)

About the Legal Self-Help Center

The Legal Self-Help Center (LSHC) is a hub for information about simple civil (non-criminal) legal issues and court procedures in Michigan. Visitors can use computers to find legal self-help tools and referrals on All resources on the website and help from Self-Help Center staff are free!

By appointment and during drop-in hours, trained staff that can help you navigate the Michigan Legal Help site to find information, forms, and instructions. Trained staff cannot tell you your best course of action (legal advice). If you need legal advice, please contact a lawyer. If you would like help finding a lawyer, please use the Guide to Legal Help.

Drop-in Hours & Appointments

  1. Attend Legal Self-Help Drop-in Hours at the Library
    • 2nd Saturday 12:00-2:00 pm
    • 3rd Tuesday 4:00-6:00 pm
  2. Set-up an Appointment with a Navigator
  3. Connect with our Houghton Courts’ Liaison Tracey Beauchamp

Disclaimer: Staff are not allowed nor qualified to give legal, financial, or medical advice. Staff may assist in locating resources and services but not assist in evaluating which actions should be taken.

Upcoming Legal Speaker Events

Each month the library invites local legal experts to present on common legal concerns within our community. Mark your calendars and bring your questions - we hope to see you there!

  1. October 15th at 5pm: Expungements
    • With Susana Peters from Attorney at Law 
  2. November 19th at 4pm: Understanding Job Offers & Benefits
    • With Tammy Seavoy from Kendricks Bordeau, P.C.
  3. December 17th at 4pm: Family Law
    • With Hailey Kimball-Dexter from Kendricks Bordeau, P.C.
Portage Lake District Library - Houghton, Michigan